Finding us
Studio 4
6 Leonard Lane
Bristol BS1 1EA
Directions to the workshop
Leonard Lane is an alley that runs from Corn Street (entrance next to Stanfords Bookshop) to the bottom of Small Street. The entrance from here is narrow and rather uneven underfoot, but it does improve. Centrespace on Google maps
​Centrespace Studios is by a bridge half way down the lane. Enter the open door, come up the stairs and ring the bell for studio 4.
Driving: l would suggest Trenchard Street Car Park if you're coming from the North, or Queen Charlotte St from the South, both no more than a 10 minute walk from the workshop.
​Bus: Any bus travelling via Bristol City Centre will bring you close. Best stops are down by the harbour, Rupert St or St Augustines Parade.
Train: Bristol Temple Meads Station is a 20 minute walk from the workshop.
Coach: Bristol Coach Station is a 10 minute walk from the workshop.
Cycling: Cycle racks are available inside Centrespace.